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Sunday, 24 July 2016

Uninstall fonts

Step 1: Set up a directory in the C drive which will store the fonts to be deleted. Access the fonts folder and select a font to copy it to another location and then uninstall it. Highlight its name by clicking on it and then go to “edit” menu at the top of the screen. Just scroll down and select “copy.”
Step 2: Go to “Start” and open “My Computer”. Search the directory set up to store unnecessary fonts. After reaching there, right click on the mouse and select paste from the menu that will appear. One can also press “Ctrl” and “V” together to paste the font or just go to “edit” and select “paste” from the menu.
Step 3: Now, the user has moved the unnecessary fonts to the correct location. So just go back to the fonts folder and delete the font just moved.
Step 4: Don’t get swayed and delete all the fonts. There are various fonts essential for the operating system and particular software programs. So do not remove the standard fonts required by Windows, such as Times New Roman, Wingdings, Arial, Courier, etc. Moreover, some programs require specific fonts for proper display so check such applications for the specifications.
Step 5: Sometimes, a user accidentally deletes an essential font. In such a case, a user can restore the necessary font by simply reinstalling Windows. Running Windows set up over a current installation will not harm the computer or installed software. It will help to restore any missing file including fonts.


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